Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Document Camera with Notebook - Capturing Image

These instructions will teach you how capture the image of a document using the document camera and then utilizing the Notebook software to write on top of what you just captured.

1.  Open up your Notebook Software by clicking on the START menu, TEACHER APPLICATIONS, then click on SMARTBOARD 10 NOTEBOOK SOFTWARE.

2.  Once Notebook opens, look at the top menu bar and locate an icon that closely resembles your Document Camera.  Click on that icon.

3.  A window should pop up showing you LIVE picture of what is under your document camera.  Take time to do the following things:
  • Get the document/item centered correctly.
  • Make sure you ZOOM in on a portion of the documents that will be easily viewed by all of your students.  You might need to capture your document in chunks.
  • Make sure you click on the ORANGE AUTO FOCUS button located on your document camera.
4. Once you have the document aligned correctly on the camera, click on the CAPTURE AND CLOSE button located below the image. The window will disappear and you will see a picture of your captured image.

5.  Now - grab your pen from your slate and start writing.........